Freelance Business Digest
Hello there,

What were the most significant game changers in your life and business? People, places, books, conversations?

And if you can identify them, what lessons did you learn from them?

I invite you to join us on August 10th at 18:00 CET / 17:00 IRL and UK / 12:00 NYC, where Una, Peter from The Indie List and myself will be engaging in a conversation with Robert Vlach about the pivotal moments and decisions that have shaped his 25-year freelance career.

This marks Robert's fourth appearance within our community, and he has consistently been an invaluable friend and advisor whenever I've sought guidance.

Nevertheless, I've prepared some thought-provoking questions and eagerly anticipate discovering:

  • What assisted Robert in initiating and managing two extensive communities, all while raising two children with his wife, Lenka, and establishing a successful consultancy.

  • How he managed to allocate time for writing his massive book, "The Freelance Way," which achieved international acclaim as a bestseller in the business genre. Published globally in 2022 by HarperCollins, the book has also been translated into five other languages.

Just as I was writing this digest, John Windsor shared this powerful note about 10 lessons from his life.

Reflecting on the game changers and the lessons in my own life, I find that they primarily revolve around encounters with individuals who eventually assumed pivotal roles in shaping my present circumstances. This is perhaps why I've been so deeply involved in organizing events for over 20 years, making sure that people meet and learn.

Speaking of events, The Freelance Business Month is just two months away, and I'm nearing the announcement of the programme. Curating the agenda has posed a challenge this year, as I'm striving to introduce more interactive discussions. I'm hopeful that this edition will help many freelancers in discovering their own game-changing moments, whether through the people they encounter at the event or the knowledge they gain.

This marks the final week for an early bird discount of 50% off the full ticket price. You can register and attend for free, but I would encourage you to purchase the full access ticket and gain access to the full programme and have more flexibility, valuable connections, and a wealth of content that will be shared throughout the month.

What else is happening:

1. Where do freelancers find clients? survey: Over 250 freelancers have already participated in this project. One-fourth of the goal is accomplished! If you haven't already, please take 2 minutes to answer a few short questions. This will help us reach 1000 responses and create a substantial study that benefits freelancers worldwide. If you've already responded, a big virtual hug to you! Please assist us in resharing this link (marketing copies available here).

2. Amazing work by freelancers:

Joy Batra, JD/MBA from Harvard University (2014), and—briefly—a Bollywood actress has released her book The Freelance Mindset: Unleashing Your Side Hustles for Better Work, Play, and Life which has received rave reviews from Daniel Pink, Dorie Clark, and Arthur C. Brooks, and was named the best graduation gift by Oprah Daily.

Uzochukwu Okafor announced that he has finished his web development work for an amazing new product Cassettine which is now officially live! Looking for a fresh and unique way to share your favourite playlists? With just 3 simple steps, you can now effortlessly share your curated playlists with friends and fellow music enthusiasts. Check it out.

Are you proud of your achievements? Let us know on Slack.

    A few other things for you to read or watch:


    Let your freelance business be awesome.

    As always, hit reply and let me know what you think or suggest topics for the next newsletter.


    Free freelance business books
    Free Freelance Business Books
    I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw the poll results on our LinkedIn page, inquiring whether our followers have come across our complimentary books.

    If you don't see the picture above: 80% answered ''what, where it is?'', and 20% have not seen it yet. What a marketing achievement!

    It is absolute true when they say you need to reiterate a message 19 times before it truly resonates with the intended audience.

    While I haven't meticulously tallied each instance of our book announcements, just in case any slipped past your notice, here are the quick links for your convenience:

    The 1st edition of the Freelance Business Book - download here
    The 2nd edition of the Freelance Business Book (aka 300 Tips) - download here.

    If you have read it, please let me know if it was helpful?
    Join us on slack
    Game changers with Robert Vlach
    10 August, 18:00 CET

    Game changers
    Freelance business masterclass
    with Robert Vlach
    Game-changing improvements are critical for business development of any independent professional. Some are the result of happy accidents, others of our decisions and actions. But what they all have in common is that they up our game forever after, taking our freelance journey to a whole new level.

    For this masterclass, Robert Vlach has selected the most game-changing moments and decisions from his 25-year freelance career.

    In his presentation, he will describe the profound impact of these events on his business and lead a debate on possible takeaways for other freelancers. The freelance talk of a lifetime.
    Freelance Business Month
    Freelance Business Month
    registration is open
    This year, the FBM will have 2 access options:

    1. Free Ticket will allow you to access pre-recorded talks and presentations, audio sessions and digital goodie bag

    2. Full Access Ticket, which is now at 50% off - 32,5 EUR will open up additional options and access:

    • to live online presentations and meet-ups
    • session summaries
    • to all recordings
    • to online meet-ups with speakers and other attendees
    • to attendees list and networking
    • to special workshops
    • ticket holders will also be invited to FBC and FBM strategy sessions.

    In short: if you want to have a passive participation and just follow some of the sessions, a free ticket is your option, if you'd like to build your network, connect and participate actively in the discussions, then the Full Access Ticket option is what you need.

    Don't delay! Once we announce the program, the price will increase.
    Book your ticket
    Missed our previous editions? Here they are.
    Read more
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