Freelance Business Digest
Hello there,

I was sitting and looking at the blank page for a while, not knowing what to write about. There is lots of going on, but not so much business related. Should I share it anyway?

I was wondering what makes people to share their pain stories publicly and online. Should one keep such matters private? Is it appropriate to delve into deep concerns or emotions and to show your fragility?

Following the conclusion of Freelance Business Month (by the way, the session replays are still accessible), I received news that my father is seriously ill. It hit me hard, turning my world upside down. The reassessment of life's priorities became starkly real, accompanied by a personal sense of guilt for not paying enough attention to what truly matters. The realisation that our time is finite, and spending it on trivial matters, became a profound revelation.

And this is how I realised why people share their pains publicly. It doesn't physically alleviate the pain, of course, but it does provide mental relief - it is permission to slow down, if you wish. In this world of constant raise to perform better and better every time, not checking your emails for a couple of days feels like committing a crime.

For this reason, I've developed an aversion to the fast-spreading calls urging freelancers to relentlessly strive for higher earnings, multiply income, and achieve success while supposedly working just one hour a day. In reality, most people choose freelancing for different reasons.

As we approach the end of this year, and you are still concerned about unfinished business, unreached goals and other business errands that you have to run, sacrificing the time with your loved ones to something that can wait - just close your laptop and spend a quality time with your family.

After all, isn't that why we freelance?


Let your family be healthy, and your freelance business be awesome.

Happy 2024!


p.s. If you're interested in further reading, I've gathered some compelling materials for you:

Freelance Business Month content replay discount
Freelance Business Month -
Access to the content replay
October is not the only month freelancers can learn from each other. We keep the access to the past sessions open until the end of the year.

Purchasing the content replay ticket will also give you access to:

- 42 sessions video recordings
- Audio versions of the same sessions
- Summary of the session

Depending on how you prefer to consume information and learn, you will find all the options available.

You don't even need to be in front of your screen. You can download the FBM app and access the sessions on the go.

Enjoy the end of the year 30% discount (available until the 31st of December)
Access now
Where do freelancers find customers
Results of the research: ''Where do freelancers find customers?''
Recent data shows an interesting diversity in how freelancers find work. For instance, research from MBO and the State of Independence in America 2022 revealed that 41% of freelancers secure jobs through online marketplaces or freelance platforms. On the other hand, local research in Belgium found that only 14% of freelancers use platforms, with 89% relying on their personal networks.

The contrast is intriguing, and we believe the voices of freelancers within independent communities can help us better understand these patterns.

Our research revealed that only 14,7% turn to freelance platforms to look for customers. Learn more about the most preferable channel in our report.

Freelance community growth strategies
How to grow a freelance business: community, advice and support

In just one year, Doerscircle has experienced remarkable growth to 60,000+ members into its dynamic community. Travis Bennett, COO of Doerscircle explained, that this surge in membership can be attributed to the dedicated efforts of the Doerscircle team and their strategic initiatives aimed at supporting and adding value to their growing community. In this article, we will explore what contributed to this remarkable growth and success.
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Missed our previous editions? Here they are.
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