Freelance Business Digest
Have you downloaded your Freelance Business Book yet?
Everything we learned from the events and masterclasses we organised in 2021 about starting and growing a freelance business from our expert speakers is now available as an e-book.

More than 50 articles - insights from the entrepreneurs, successful freelancers, C-level executives, award-winning artists and athletes who joined our events as speakers, and more than 50 videos you can watch to upgrade your business skills.

Chapters include:

  • Is freelancing the thing of the future?
  • How to start freelancing
  • Freelance business marketing
  • Negotiations, money and legal aspects
  • Personal brand
  • Finding clients
  • Scaling your freelance business
  • Freelance mindset
  • Working with platforms
  • Hiring freelancers

We hope it will serve as a trusted handbook for your daily freelance business matters. Available as a pdf on our website and on Kindle (search for Freelance Business).

We thank our supporters for making this work possible: Business4Good, Gigged.AI, Malt, Clockwork, Lancr and Connecting Expertise and The Indie List.

Get your copy instantly!
Freelance Business Community in 2022
How our community can help you to succeed in 2022?

While we are finalising plans for 2022, YOUR input is what will make them solid.

- Do you have a topic in mind that we should feature at our upcoming events? Comment here on Elina Jutelyte's post and leave your suggestions.

- Would you like to try your public speaking skills or have expertise you'd like to share? Submit your profile here.

- You are also welcome to join our army of guest bloggers and contributors. Connect with Bozhidar and send your suggestions.

- Join our Slack channel to participate in monthly topic discussions. We have planned so far:

February - marketing and personal branding
March - find your customers, sales
April - financial stability, investments
May - technology, platforms, tools
June - creativity and sources of inspiration
July - growing and outsourcing

We are looking forward to announcing our 2022 projects and hope to see you around! Follow us on social to be the first to learn.
Freelance topcoder
Topcoder is uniting tech freelancers
Topcoder is the world's largest technology network and on-demand digital talent platform. It allows easy access to developers, designers, data scientists, and testers from around the globe.

As a freelancer, you can join Topcoder and enjoy great opportunities to learn, develop your skills, compete with other IT specialists and freelance for top companies. Join HERE.
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Freelance insurance superscript
A guide to insurance for freelancers
Most businesses will face some level of risk. How liable are you and your business in case of legal action? Not sure? Start the new year with added peace of mind with help from Superscript.

Knowing what insurance you need can be confusing. As a freelancer, depending on your work, you may be more likely to take steps to cover against accusations of copyright infringement, for example, or public liability should a member of the public have an accident as a result of the presence of your equipment.

Read Superscript's guide by clicking the button below and enjoy the first month's cover completely free by signing up HERE!
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How Xolo can help you succeed in 2022
Xolo is not only a useful practical service for freelancers, but also a community that supports independent workers and helps ensure their continued success.

Elina Räsänen, the Chief Marketing Officer of Xolo, joined the roundtable discussion with some of the leading communities in Europe during our Freelance Business Month and shared why community nurturing is at the heart of their business.

She underlined that Xolo's mission is to change the way people work. The company has made it possible to obtain a legal entity with banking functionalities, which enables anyone to start a freelance business without forming a company in their geographical territory. Xolo's main goal is to remove hurdles and enable freelancers and companies to work together easily, thus helping both businesses and individuals.

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Let's Bring Great Business Education To Every Freelancer: Here's How
Building a stable business is a challenge. While you may be imagining the 24/7 hustle culture of startups, for many freelancers, the challenges of finding clients, dealing with admin and negotiating prices can be just as stressful.

Jon Younger argues for the importance of peer education, especially on soft skills like sales and communication, which can make-or-break freelance businesses.

Freelance communities are a crucial part of educating the next generation of freelancers. Find out how Freelance Business Community and other platforms are paving the way for success.

You can also see Jon's 2022 predictions for the freelance economy.
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Freelance baby maternity belgium
Pregnancy and support for freelance mothers in Belgium
If you are expecting a new member to the family, you need to plan many things ahead, for your personal life and for your business.

Expecting a child is wonderful news! It is true when they say that the moment you have your own child (or are expecting), a new world opens up to you. What opened up to Elina Jutelyte was the understanding of what a woman goes through in preparation for having a child.

She shares her experience, hoping to help others who are expecting a child and are concerned about how to handle business life after its birth.
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Payoneer 2022 Global Freelancer
Income Report
Payoneer has published its fourth edition of the Freelance Income Report, using data from a survey of 2,000 customers from over 100 countries who work with international clients, to better understand who today's freelance workers are, what unique challenges they face, and how they are weathering the global pandemic.

Curious to see what they have discovered? Download the report below.
Download the report
Meet FYD, a Decentralized Freelance Ecosystem for Gen-Z and Millenials
The global gig economy will keep growing and many exciting projects are attracting our attention, such as FYD - a young platform, promising to change the gig economy. This community is all in for using blockchain technology, decentralized applications, and cryptocurrencies to redefine the way freelance markets operate.

Whereas centralised marketplaces act as middlemen between freelancers and clients, often taking a percentage of the earnings in the process, FYD uses peer-to-peer payments so freelancers keep 100% of their earnings, and smart contracts, to keep things fair.

Not only that, but FYD has developed its own blockchain ecosystem, complete with its cryptocurrency (FYDcoin). This gives it the potential to develop into a fair, transparent, and financially rewarding decentralized freelance marketplace.

It is something every freelancer who is interested in the future of blockchain should keep an eye out for.
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Missed our previous editions? Here they are.
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