Freelance Business Digest
Hello Fellow Freelancer,

I can't believe it is already July. Where did the first 6 months go??

I do hope this email hits your mailbox in the middle of your vacation season, if not, we have included a great article below about how to take vacations as a freelancers.

Our work as a community doesn't stop though. We had a great session last week talking about creativity, tools and techniques that help develop creative thinking. If you missed it, see our take aways below.

To provide you with ideas we have included 2 of our favourite videos about how to diversify your income as a creative in this newsletter.

Scroll down learn from 12-times Emmy-nominated video producer, Luchia Dragosh and an inspiring communication consultant, Loyola Ranarison-Schäfer, about their ways to find new income streams.

Our next meet up is scheduled on 8 September, where we will talk about Technology and Innovation. You can already book your seat and watch our channels for the announcement of the programme.

Freelance Business Month organisation is in full swing. We have received more than 80 submissions for the talks and I am very glad to see such topics as sustainability, inclusion and diversity entering the agendas. I can promise, this years' programme will be massive! At the moment, we are recruiting sponsors and partners for this event. If you would like to support this initiative, drop me a line

We are celebrating a huge milestone: FBC is included, alongside such brands as Udemy and Coursera, in the ecosystem chart of Open Assembly, which is an authority in the field of Open Talent and Transformation of Work. Whoop! released my talk where I am sharing the most personal story I've ever spoken about on public: feeling so down due to a range of events in 2019 that I could barely do anything to recreating the FBC in its current state and power. The most watched video with me yet, counting more than 4,5K views...(oh-oh!) In that talk I also give tips from a freelancer and from a client point of you.

I am delighted that our community partner group is growing and we welcomed Betoobe and Linkus, both Belgium based organisations, and we are thrilled about CXC Global opening its Belgian affiliate.

Enjoy the read!

And, btw, you can always hit reply and let me know what you think or suggest topics for next newsletter.

Freelance business month
Be seen globally by hundreds of freelancers and entrepreneurs!
Give your brand or product the exposure it deserves to a worldwide audience of freelancers, entrepreneurs, solo hustlers and gig workers. Partner with us and be featured in the biggest event for freelancers - the Freelance Business Month in October 2022.

Freelance Business Month is sponsored by The Indie List and MBO Partners, as well as our community partners Linkus, Betoobe, Charipickers, Topcoder and CXC Global.

To find out more, send request to or head to our website to see more information.
Join us here!
Freelance business creativity takeaway
How to evoke your creativity when you feel stuck
So much valuable information was shared during our Creativity for Freelance Business event last week that we struggled to pick only a few key takeaways. Here are some of our favourite lessons, picked with the help of our community:

  • Expecting results is the killer of creativity - accept that not every session will be successful!
  • Simply looking around you and being observant can help you find inspiration in the smallest of objects.
  • Contemplate alone, but validate and develop ideas in a group.
  • The hyper-observer has these six traits: curiosity, open-mindedness, analytical, optimistic, joyous, resiliency.
  • Prime yourself before getting into the flow state - develop a routine for creativity.
  • If you struggle to enter your creative state, change your environment - this can be something as simple as sitting in a new place.

You can see the rest of the lessons our community collected in this LinkedIn post.

We thank our speakers and attendees for making it yet another interactive, full of insights session.

Stay tuned for our next session, which will be about Technology and Innovation for Freelance Business on 8 of September. Book your seat now.
Technology and Innovation for Freelance Business
Freelance business month
The Freelance Business Community
joins the Open Talent Ecosystem
Freelance Business Community is approved and added to the Open Talent Ecosystem by Open Assembly under Education and Upskilling, where it joins other great resources like Coursera and Udemy.

Learn more about the ecosystem and the other amazing organisations in it in Open Assembly's page below.
You can download the full PDF of the ecosystem here
elina freelance business
The most personal talk
Freelance Business Community's founder Elina Jutelyte joined's series Freelance Friends to talk about her own journey.

Hear what she had to share about her freelancing journey, the ups and downs of her career, founding and growing the community, supporting independent professionals, running the biggest event for freelancers - the Freelance Business Month - and more, in her talk below.
Listen here!
New revenue stream for writers: covering online events with Loyola Ranarison-Schäfer
New revenue stream for writers: covering online events with Loyola Ranarison-Schäfer
Loyola is a communications consultant who produces communication strategies, implements communication plans, and helps charities and NGOs achieve their strategic objectives. Loyola has found a new niche - covering online events - and added new offering to her communication services.

In this talk she guides us:

- How to be prepared to cover an online event
- What to do on the day
- Which tools to use to ease the task
Watch on our YouTube channel
List of online work platforms for IT freelancers
List of online work platforms for IT freelancers
IT professionals, are you looking for your next awesome assignment? We know the right place for you. More than 10 of them, in fact.

These IT platforms collect countless jobs for tech freelancers with a variety of skills, and each one has its own advantage over the rest. Have a browse and find your next dream project today!
Read here!
Mastering freelance contracts with help from Charipickers
Betoobe joins FBC as a community partner
Betoobe is a professional development digital ecosystem for independent professionals, providing personal development, supporting communities and revealing income opportunities.

The subscription-based membership is materialised by the access to an online platform that comes with its set of tools and advantages, which will help elevate the game of every freelancer, entrepreneur and contractor.

Learn here and check Betoobe's 360 Program. Connect with Jean-Paul Delmeire if you are interested to join the cohort.
Visit Betoobe here
Multiple streams of Income for creatives with Luchia Dragosh
Multiple streams of income for creatives with Luchia Dragosh
The constant struggle of keeping and attracting clients can take a toll. It's never a bad idea to diversify your income sources, especially building a passive income stream to discover new freedom. This will provide a buffer in the lean times and a bonus in the good times.

Luchia Dragosh is 12-times Emmy-nominated Producer and Emmy-nominated editor specialising in the development and execution of short and long-form documentaries.

In this talk, she will share the secrets of developing multiple streams of income as a creative.
Watch her talk here
Multiple streams of Income for creatives with Luchia Dragosh
CXC EMEA, leading provider of contingent workforce management, is proud to announce their entry into Belgium and expansion of services such as global payroll, talent sourcing, freelancer management and compliance in Belgium.

Connor Heaney, Managing Director for CXC EMEA said: "We aim to reduce the complexities of engaging workers for Belgium based business, a country that hosts many of the world's top organisations."

This milestone is a major move for CXC EMEA on its mission to compliantly connect business with talent across EMEA and the globe.
Learn more about CXC EMEA
vacation freelancer
How to take a vacation as an independent professional
Striking a balance between running your small business and taking time to recharge and enjoy life can be a challenge, especially in our connected world where emails can find you everywhere.

It is important to be able to take a vacation which is both relaxing and won't leave your business in ruins.

See what steps you can take to relax like a pro below.
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Missed our previous editions? Here they are.
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