Freelance Business Digest
Freelance business month
Freelance Business Month 2022 -
Call for speakers is open!
The 3rd edition of the Freelance Business Month, which runs through the entire October, is fast approaching. During this month we feature topics from the Future of Freelancing, Starting and Growing Freelance Business to Future of Work, inviting all the freelance economy players for a discussion.

We invite you to submit your speaker application and have a chance to join the largest event for freelancers. The deadline for the application is the end of May.

You can find the list of topics on this page, which is not a limited list! Your fresh ideas are welcome.
Speaker application
Freelance event fbc
Takeaways from the Freelance Business - Marketing and Sales event
Yoohoo! The first event of the year has passed. It was wonderful to connect with peers and meet new people.

We welcomed three superb experts: Martyn Baker, Elaine Pofeldt and Paula Ronan, who brought a fresh perspective to marketing and sales and had an in-depth group discussions.

We collectively worked on the Miro board to gather insights and inspirations. You can see it here.

To sum-up:

- Your sales narrative has to be short and easy to remember. Martyn gave us a formula that helps to formulate your killer sales pitch.

- Elaine inspired us to go after our ideas. Because if not you, then someone else! She outlined commonalities of successful entrepreneurs: they work in teams, outsource, automate, practice and exercise. We are particularly obsessed with solo-business BLVCK. Did you know about this brand?

- Paula helped us to find our unique benefits that help us sell.

All attendees got the participants list with LinkedIn profiles to be able to continue discussions and hopefully do business together.

The session videos will be published on our YouTube channel. Hit subscribe to not miss it.

Our next event is taking place on 30 June, 15:00 CET and will be about Creativity.

Bookmark the date: programme and registration will be announced soon. Again, there will be a very limited number of seats, attendees of the previous event are getting the priority. Don't miss out our announcements.
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personal branding freelancer
Personal branding for freelancers by Simran Neerav Doshi
This month we've handpicked a great video session for you: Personal Branding for Freelancers by Simran Neerav Doshi. You can trust Simran on that, she has almost 60K followers on LinkedIn.

Freelancing is all about building connections and credibility, and you need to know how to do that effectively.

Personal branding can help you:

  • Have regular leads come in
  • Build credibility as a freelancer
  • Earn (eventually!) a 6-figure income through freelancing.
Simran will teach you this and much more: watch her session in full here!
Our YouTube channel
You can find more about personal branding and social media marketing in our Freelance Business Book.

Topics covered include:

  • The recipe for a strong personal brand
  • LinkedIn and social selling
  • Personal brand is a long-term strategy
  • Creating a brand online and offline
  • 10x your freelance business through public speaking
  • How to become an international speaker
Download the Freelance Business Book
CXC global freelance
How to create freelance brand guidelines
Household brands become instantly recognisable thanks to their uniform visual identity.

The design elements of Coca-Cola or Apple are engraved in our minds, from the stylish logos to the recognisable jingles. Other brands use their look to signal their personality, values and industry, making them instantly recognisable.This applies to your freelance business too.

With our partners at Corebook°, we have shared with our you why your brand needs a strong visual identity.
Read here!
CXC global freelance
Introducing our new partner:
CXC Global
CXC Global is a global payroll solution that facilitates hiring remote independent contractors around the globe. They have recently began offering direct sourcing for their clients and assisting them with talent management.

We are looking forward to this partnership in order to bring freelancers a fresh perspective on how companies operate and function with freelance teams onboard.

CXC Global produces a super collection of Doing Freelance Business guides per country, which you can find on their website. For example, here you can learn all about doing freelance business in Poland.
See more CXC Global guides
Did you catch up with your clients recently? Now might be the time.
collaborate freelance clients
On our LinkedIn page we run a poll asking how many calls a freelancer makes a day. 30% are making 5+ calls a day (assuming with their customers or prospects), while almost 50% are making 1 or 2 calls max.

There is no right or wrong way to networking. We design the way we like to work, considering that it bring results.

Fanny Marcoux, in her recent article for Freelance Business, suggests a friendly approach that will help you get more clients and recommendations and keep in touch with your network.

You will also find versatile conversation scripts to help you break the ice and spark fruitful conversations with your network.
Read more
freelance cxc global
EU Directive on labour platforms: what it means for freelancers
Recently, the EU Commission released a series of proposals aiming to draw a clear distinction between freelancers and employees on digital labour platforms.

Find out:

  • What the proposals are?
  • Are you classified as a freelancer or employee?
  • Who will be affected by the changes?
  • Are there any potential downsides?

All of this and more in CXC Global's article.
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One of our favourite newsletters for freelancers is the one from by Robert Vlach. He is instrumental in finding interesting stuff and recently, via his newsletter, we learned about:

- DALL·E 2 AI image generator that can create realistic images and art from a text description. Have a try - it is simply awesome.


- Tools For Freelancers is a new project whose goal is to list all tools freelancers need to succeed in one place. So far, they have gathered over 200 of them: freelance platforms, timekeeping and time tracking apps, management systems or CRMs, invoice generators, time management tools, etc.
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Missed our previous editions? Here they are.
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